Copyright for all talks and materials belongs to the presenters.

Session 1

Julian Fernando

Utopian thinking: The social psychology of contemplating an ideal society

Morgana Lizzio-Wilson, michael wenzel, & emma thomas

All In Time: How Emotions Tied to the Past, Present, and Future Shape Collective Action

Jasmin Jossin, ida-maria sommerfeldt, & myriel milicevic

The End of Human Dominance: an Xtopian Intervention on a Symbiotic Future

Session 2

Emma Thomas, michael wenzel, morgana lizzio-wilson, linda skitka, & danny osborne

“The Times They Are A’Changin’”: How experiencing a discontinuous present and imagining the future shape intention to engage in progressive versus reactionary forms of collective action

Annika Lutz, Caroline Mackay, Michael Schmitt, joshua wright, & jonathan mendel

Thinking about a more sustainable future encourages environmental activism 

Karen Hamann

How to envision an ecological future? An experimental study on the effectiveness of presented vs. self-generated visions

Link to slides

Alexander Burton

Collapse, utopia, and Tasmania: Escape in the prefigurative futures of climate change
Link to slides

Daniel Kelly

Problems, possibility, change: urban visions of more local food
Link to slides

Alix Alto

Radical imagination and future thinking

Session 3

Paul Bain 

Understanding the path (we think) we’re on: Dimensions and implications of worldviews about social change.

Serdar Değirmencioğlu

Psychology at the crossroads of climate change

Session 4

Stylianos Syropoulos, hanne watkins, geoff goodwin, & ezra markowitz

A Two-Dimensional Model of Legacy Motivation: Evidence for the Existence of Impact-Oriented and Reputation-Focused Legacy Motives

Michael T. Schmitt, jonathan mendel, hadar hamid, scott neufeld, & joshua wright

Imagining a sustainable world: A qualitative analysis of Environmental Cognitive Alternatives

Annayah Prosser  

Transformative and Prefigurative Environments: The psychological value of experiencing pockets of the future in the present

Panel A: Stories

Nick Wood 

Just Stories: The Role of Speculative Fiction in Challenging the Growing Climate Apartheid

Matthew Adams 

Imagining livable climate futures: Using stories, narratives, and storytelling in counterfactual world-making
Link to slides

Panel A: Part 1

Panel A: Part 2 (Matthew Adams)

Panel A: Part 3 (Nick Wood)

Panel B

Carlie D. Trott, Isabel Unanue, Kai Reimer-Watts

Prefigurative Politics and Social Psychologies of the Future: Embodying Transformation in the Present
Link to slides

Thomas W. Schubert, Gulnaz Anjum, Diana M. Lizarazo, Anca Minescu

Teaching for the Future: Promoting Social and Climate Sustainability through Teaching in the Global-MINDS Program

Panel B: Part 1

Panel B: Part 2